Wednesday, September 7, 2011


   When someone asks me to name one great movie that sticks in my mind, I say, without hesitation, Fight Club. Fight Club is full of interesting philosophical ideas and makes us deeply think about ourselves. It shows how a person's invariable life in the materialistic world full of dissatisfaction degenerates his mental stability. Fight Club still punches me in the face and tells me that I must wake up and live a life for myself, not for others. It tells me never to let the fear of what others think of me stop me from achieving what I truly want. No other movie has yet conveyed so many influential messages about the true inner freedom. Not only that, but also its thrills, competitive action scenes, and especially the characters' inspiring speeches surely dragged my attention.
   In this blog, I would like to share with you some of my favorite quotations from Fight Club and talk about how they affected me to change my view towards life and spiritual freedom.
   If you have not seen the movie yet, do not just read the plot summary and pretend like you know what really is going on. Fight Club inspires you to deeply think about yourself and the world you are involved in. I highly recommend that you actually watch the film. However, if you are too lazy to appreciate the movie and choose to keep on living a life full of discontent, you can just click the X button in the upper right corner of your screen and get out of my blog. If not, you are more than welcome to share your thoughts.



  1. I enjoyed your writing about Fight Club. Since I could not catch any meaning of the content of movie, your thoughts comes to me very interesting. I just enjoyed Fight Club because of hero's fantastic acting and unexpected ending. Now I can realize that the director of the Fight Club might express double-sidedness of character,which reflects ordinary people's weakness; violence of inner-most mind, which might everyone have; and self-destruction or self-overloving.

  2. Thanks for the comment! I also couldn't understand the meaning of Fight Club until I watched it like 3 times... But after watching 3 times, I realized the movie was more than just action and violence. I could look at the world in a whole new point of view!
